Fitness for Kids with Disabilities and Special Needs
For parents of children with special needs, finding appropriate physical activities can be challenging. Playgrounds are often surfaced...

Benefits of Fitness for Girls
According to a report from Active Living Research, female students who both enrolled in physical education and participated in vigorous

The New State of Tutoring
When students struggle to maintain good grades or lose interest in school, a tutor can often get them back on the path to success.

Role of Digital Media on Literacy
Tactile objects such as blocks and magnetic letters are often used to teach preliteracy and literacy skills. An iPad can

The Impact of Neuroscience on Learning
Great teachers know that when learning is fun, students retain information better. Now neurological science is backing them up.

Emerging Technology and Teaching Today’s Child
The Millennial Generation, the first fully digital-native generation, is now having children of their own, a cohort sometimes known as

The Importance of Early Detection in ADHD Treatment
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a brain condition that can have a profound effect on a child’s learning, adjustment, and...

Higher Education: What’s Right for Your Child?
In recent decades, it has become a standard assumption that all U.S. students will attend a four year university and graduate with a bachelo

Understanding Florida Scholarship Options
In Florida, there are six different, state-funded scholarship programs designed to help families best help their child’s educational needs.

What is the Montessori Method?
For over one hundred years, early childhood educators have used teaching methods developed by Maria Montessori. Some, including public...